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Player Profile

HI,I'm Dominic and I'm from Victoria School.As you can see,I LOVE SOCCER!:)

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I like soccer! Simple as that!


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January 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It was a frantic and busy day at school.The preparation for it almost killed me last night.I had to hand in loads of homework,study for a maths test,chinese spelling and had to do some sowing for Home Economics.I started at 5:30pm,and only finished at 10:30pm.That explains why i came to school this morning,with eye bags drooping from under my eyes.After a busy day,i still had soccer training in the afternoon.(Oh man! Could my day get any worse?!)

After eating lunch,i made my way to the library to revise what i had learnt in class today.Halfway through,i gave up,i was too tired to concentrate on my work.I made my way to the field,soccer training was about to start soon.I quickly changed into my sporting gear and walked 0nto the field.Firstly,we had to run two rounds,than stretching before doing some short sprints.After that,the training was total hell,it wass fitness all the way.I was struggling to keep up with the rest of my teammates.

After training,i had to take a bus back as my father had to work late as he had an important meeting to attend to.I made my way to the bus-stop,eyes half-opened.I had a feeling i was going to sleep on the bus.Once i got onto the bus,i immediately found a seat and dozed off.Whack! I woke up,only to find myself at Bishan Interchange and the bus captain infront of me.I felt my face,there was a stinging pain whenever i touched it.Apparently,i had slept throughout the whole ride,and the bus captain had slapped me,in an attempt to wake me up.

After i had regained my senses,i immediately apologized to the bus captain and made my way out of the bus.You should have seen how embarassed i was at that time! I immediately took another bus back home.By the time i reached home,it was already 8:30pm.When my parents asked me why i was so late,i told them the story.They laughed and warned me to start my work earlier the next time.From this,i have learnt my lesson and will not do such a silly thing again.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 8:23 PM

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I woke up with a huge yawn,staring at my clock.It was already 9.15am.I stood up,made my way to the toilet and brushed my teeth.I had tution in about half and hour's time.After taking a refreshing cold bath,i made my way downstairs to have my breakfast.After a long and strainous tuition,i went out with my family for lunch.

Afte lunch,which was around 2pm,i returned home to finish my school homework.(I know,i had lots of them too! :P) After finishing my school homework(Woo Hoo!),my whole family went to Chinese Swimming club as my sister had swimming training there.For me,i just simply hanged around,went for a swim and after that went to play billiard with my grandfather.

After my sister finished her training at 7:30pm,we made our way to my Grandmother's house.We usally go there every Saturday as all my aunties and uncles will be there for dinner too.After dinner,i usually hang out with my cousins.We will catch up with each other over what happened recently and would also have a game of soccer in my grandma's balcony.

Around ten plus,we would say our goodbyes and made our way home.Once i reached home,i started on a blog entry for my school assignment.(Yes,its the one you are reading now.) I'm quite tired after a busy day of enjoyment.Its getting late,i guess this is me signing off with what i did today.

Thank you for reading my blog entry,i hope you enjoyed it! :)

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 11:30 PM

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It was a long day at school.I was starting to feel restless and fidgeted a lot.I was looking foward to the soccer match against Bartley Secondary after school.I couldn't wait to play them as i had not played soccer for almost a week.My legs were itching to get a feel of the ball.As soon as school was over,we had to make our way to the foyer.As Bartley was quite far away from our school,we had to leave early,orelse we would not make it there on time.We did not even have time for lunch!

After a long and tedious drive,we finally reached.The school was situated beside a Gurka Camp(Gurka are people from Nepal and Northern India who protects our Prime Ministers and Presidents) and beside it was an animal shelter.We had to go one big round around the camp before reaching the entrance of the school.Once we alighted from the bus,the B'Boys immediately went to change and put on their equipments as they were playing first.Meanwhile,the C'Boys(Thats me!) were just hanging around the basketball court,kicking the balls around.

Went it was going to be our turn to play,we quickly put on our soccer equipments too,and our team captain,Bradley,led us in some quick movements and stretching.The match had started,we were in control of the game and were already 5-0 up going into the half-time interval.Than,in the second half,the coach made quite a few changes and it started to become a close encounter.However,in the end we prevailed,although both teams failing to score in the second-half.I had a feeling that most of the Bartley Secondary Team comprised of Nepalese people as they were speaking Nepalese.This could be because their fathers were most probably Gurkas and send them to the nearest school.

After the match had ended,we had to find our own way back.It was a long and tiring journey.We had to walk about 500 meters to the Bartley MRT Station.There,the confusing part started.First,we had to take the train to Serangoon Interchange,before switching trains.There we made our way to Dhoby Ghaut.We had to switch trains again and this time our destination was City Hall.As it was the peak period,the trains were heavily crowded and we had to miss the first train because of that.Finally,i boarded the train at City Hall and alighted at Kembangan MRT Station which was my stop.By that time,it was already 8pm and i was very hungry(Remember,i didn't have my lunch!) and tired.By the time i reached home,i took a bath and ate my dinner before dozing off on the couch in my living room...

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 6:32 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oh no! Yesterday i was late for school AGAIN! I was really pissed with the Discipline Master,it wasn't my fault that i was late.I told him the reason why,but he still wouldn't believe me! I told him that i had helped an old lady get her handbag back from a snatch thief.However,my words fell on deaf ears.He thought that i was using that as an excuse to find my way out of detention.Man,how i wished i could...oh nevermind! This is how the story goes...

It was already 7:10am.I was going to be late for school if i didn't leave the house now.I immediately grabbed my backpack and ran out of my house.I ran as fast as my legs could go.Halfway there,i was feeling a bit tired.Realising that i had some time to spare since i ran for quite some time,i stopped to take a rest.I sat down on a bench opposite a coffeeshop.Just when i was using a tissue paper to wipe the pespiration off my forehead,a short malay man came out of nowhere and snatched away an old woman's handbag from right under my eyes and made his getaway.

Immediately,without thinking twice,i dropped my bag and gave chase.I didn't care if he was armed at that time,all i was thinking of was to help the old lady get her handbag back.After a short wild goose chase,i finally caught up with the man.I could see that he was already tired,hand clutching his chest.He could not go on any longer,legs wobbly,he fell down to the ground.Immediately i called the police and went over to him.I held him by the collar and did not allow him to make his getaway again.Ten minutes later,the police had arrived.They praised me for my good deed and took down my particulars too.After that,i made my way to school feeling proud of myself.

And that was how it happened.However i had a big suprise today in school,during morning assembly,the principal called upon me to come up onto the stage.At first,i thought i was in deep trouble.However,it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.Aparrently,yesterday after school,the principal had received a letter from the police headquarters stating everything that happened yesterday and commending my brave and courageous act and effort put into catching the snatch thief.The principal than proceeded to praise me infront of the school and called me a "role model" to the other pupils.On hearing those words,i felt very touched.This is an incident which i will never forget for the rest of my life.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 3:51 PM

It was the third week of the new school year.The lessons were as boring as the first year.Man,how i wished i didn't have to endure this "torture".As i got out of my mum's car,i reluctantly dragged myself to class.Once i had gotten there,i placed my bag on my desk.

Then,i went over to my friend,John's desk.We were talking happily about our holiday trips when suddenly,out of nowhere,a water bottle flew past my head and hit John on his forehead.The impact left behind a massive bruise on his head.To make things worst,there was also a gigantic cut on his forehead,which blood flowed out of profusely,covering the floor all around it.This left everyone speechless,staring at him in shock.In the midst of all the laughter,a fight had taken place at the back of the class.

Punches and kicks were flying everywhere.A prefect had assisted John out of the class,down to the General Office.Meanwhile,i had gotten into the thick of action.I was trying to break them apart,but to no avail.I could see the anger in their eyes glowing red,nothing was going to stop them from getting at each other.I tried once again,however,this time i was not so lucky.A punch landed on my left cheek,hard too.Now,i was bleeding from my mouth,a tooth of mine fell out too.

A while later,the discipline master arrived at my class.When the fight broke out,a classmate of mine went to alert the discipline master,resulting in him coming to my class.He was carrying a cane in his hand.Upon seeing him,everyone came to a standstill.Even the two boys who were fighting stopped.Furious,he immediately grabbed them by the collar and took them away with him.At that moment,i felt something really bad was going to happen to them.After that,everyone was back to their chatty ways.But for me,this was something that i could not forget for a long time to come.

You'll Never Walk Alone~** 2:31 PM